Supplier Principles

We expect our suppliers to act in accordance with the following principles based on respect for human rights and nature;

Respect for Fundamental Human Rights

  • To act in accordance with the requirements of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights in Working Life and the international conventions of the country
  • Not to discriminate in any way about color, sect, gender, nationality, political or religious opinion, etc. in recruitment and employees. To make recruitment in accordance with ethical principles and to treat everyone equally.
  • Not to employ child workers, to comply with the rules applied in the laws for young workers
  • To provide employees with an appropriate wage and to guarantee the provision of the applicable national minimum wage; to ensure that every employee take advantage from common benefits
  • To comply with the maximum working hours conditions stipulated in the laws; not to force the person to work against their will,
  • Not to allow unacceptable behaviours such as psychological violence, sexual harassment and discrimination to be displayed against employees.
  • Prohibit behaviour involving sexuality, coercion, threats, insults, or exploitation including gestures, expressed expressions and physical contact.
  • To be careful in the protection of personal information
  • To provide training opportunities to employees and to ensure the effectiveness of these trainings

Legal Responsibilities

  • To comply with the applicable laws
  • To be aware of and manage financial and ethical responsibilities towards all relevant stakeholders.
  • To pay maximum attention to the issue of information and data security

Department of Prevention of corruption and bribery

  • Not to take part in any corruption and bribery incidents and not to tolerate such incidents in any way. Not to offer bribes, gifts, etc. to Catsis employees in any way
  • Avoiding actions that may result in a conflict of interest.

 Health and Safety of Employees

  • To attach importance to the responsibility of occupational health and safety of employees, to take measures related to occupational health and safety.
  • Respects the right of employees to unionize or become a union member

Protection of the environment

  • To comply with legal or international rules related to the protection of the environment; to comply with soil, water, air, noise pollution issues, to protect forests
  • To carry out studies on energy, renewable energy and greenhouse gas effects within the scope of climate change. To participate in sustainability studies
  • Managing waste and chemicals in accordance with the laws, evaluating recovery, reuse opportunities

 The Supply Chain

  • To explain these principles to their sub-suppliers and to ensure that these principles are promote throughout the supply chain.
10/02/2025 16:05:40